Product Description
Domestic, industrial and agricultural human activity has a harmful interference in the water quality of ponds that receive their waste, either by discharge or infiltration through the soil. Because ponds are characterized by calm and warm water, they favour the growth of microbial life naturally. However, when they receive high loads of nitrates and phosphates they tend to acquire a blue-green coloration. This is as a result of the proliferation of algae that take advantage of the propitious environment and of the excess of nutrients, caused by the incorporation of the two chemical species. In addition to the visual aspect, many ecological effects can arise. The accumulation of algae can lead to decreased dissolved oxygen content, causing the death of fish and other aquatic organisms, decreasing biodiversity and damaging water quality.
Suitable for:
- Compliance check with Environmental Regulations
- Environmental Agencies
- Assessing Suspected Areas Of Pollution
- Quality Check For Animal Consumption
- Stagnant Waters
- Assessing Quality Of Water Used For Irrigation
By this test it is possible evaluate if the coloration, bad smell or fish mortality is being caused by chemical contamination.
Test parameter Vol Required: 500ml
Given below tests are included in this product:
Ammonia (As NH3 )
Dissolved Oxygen
Nitrates (as NO3)
Total Nitrogen
Total Phosphorus (as P)
Can the proliferation of algae in water be harmful for human beings?
In addition to the appearance, color and odor of algae proliferation and its subsequent decomposition, these organisms can be harmful to humans since they can cause the flourish of opportunistic species, as is the case of cyanobacteria which are quite toxic if ingested or come in contact with mucous membranes These species can cause problems from skin irritations to liver and neurological diseases or gastroenteritis.
Can the client add other parameters to be analyzed in this test kit?
Of course, the customer can customize this and other test kits by going to the "Create your Own" section on our website and they can then choose the parameters that best suit their needs.
How long, after receiving the kit for sample collection, does the customer have to send the material?
Upon receiving the kit for sample collection, the client should forward it as soon as possible to the address placed on the kit package. Our bottle is prepared to conserve the sample, but there are cases in which time is a determining factor in the reliable result of the analysis, (e.g. microbiological analysis).
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