Drinking Water

Public Mains Water Quality Assesment. Private Wells Water Testing.
Test to detect the presence of pathogenic bacteria in water.
Test Parameters
Total Bacteria Count (TBC's) E Coli Total Coliform
This test will evaluate the typical chemical and bacterial make-up of a private borehole water supply
Test Parameters
Alkalinity Total Bacteria Count (TBC's) Conductivity Dissolved Solids (TDS) E Coli Hardness Iron Langelier Saturation Index Manganese Nitrates (as NO3) Odour ph Sediment Total Coliform Turbidity
Water test for the purpose of verifying its quality from analysis of chemical parameters.
Test Parameters
Alkalinity Conductivity Dissolved Solids (TDS) Hardness Iron Langelier Saturation Index Manganese Nitrates (as NO3) Odour ph Sediment Turbidity
In Stock
Test for the levels of fluoride and chlorine in public mains water.
Test Parameters
Alkalinity Chloride Conductivity Fluoride Free Chlorine Hardness Langelier Saturation Index Manganese ph Total Coliform Ultraviolet Transmittance (UVT)
Determine the presence of lead in water used for human consumption.
Test Parameters
This water quality compliance test is needed by Food Business Operators (FBOs) and other organisations audited...
Test Parameters
Total Bacteria Count (TBC's) E Coli Enterococci Total Coliform
Heavy metal
In Stock
To determine whether the heavy metal content of water renders it suitable for drinking
Test Parameters
Aluminium Arsenic Cadmium Total Chromium Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Sodium
A complete check on a private water supply for a wide range of possible chemical and bacterial contaminants...
Test Parameters
Aluminium Ammonia (As N) Antimony Arsenic Boron Cadmium Total Chromium Chloride Total Bacteria Count (TBC's) Colour Conductivity Copper E Coli Enterococci Fluoride Hardness Iron Lead Manganese Nickel Nitrates (as NO3) Nitrite Odour ph Selenium Sodium Sulphate Turbidity
Checking your mains water for parameters that can lead to corrosion
Test Parameters
Alkalinity Hardness Langelier Saturation Index ph Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Test for evidence of faecal and residual industry contamination in surface water due to slurry contamination.
Test Parameters
Ammonia (As NH3 ) BOD COD Total Bacteria Count (TBC's) E Coli Enterococci Nitrates (as NO3) ph Potassium Suspended Solids Total Coliform Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus (as P)
Determine the presence of Legionella bacteria in water used for human consumption.
Test Parameters
Evaluate the quality of the water used to prepare food for commercial purposes.
Test Parameters
Total Bacteria Count (TBC's) E Coli Free Chlorine Total Coliform Enterococci

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