Product Description
Aquarium water requires special care as it should provide life in artificial environments. It should be biologically adequate for the survival of aquatic life and is totally different from drinking standards, such as good water for human consumption may contain substances that will attack or hinder life in these places. Lack of hygiene in aquariums, excess food, accumulated faeces, as well as the insertion of chemicals (for pH control or even cleaning) can favour the imbalance in the number of bacteria and change the amount of nitrite, ammonia and phosphates in water. This causes water turbidity, proliferation of algae, among other problems that result in poor quality for aquatic lives.
Suitable for:
- Routine Audit Inspections
- Services Managers
- Quality Checks
- Fish Farmers
- Compliance check with Environmental Regulations
- Environmental Agencies
Through this test you can guarantee the wellbeing of your fish, being sure that you are using a good quality water.
Test parameter Vol Required: 250ml
Given below tests are included in this product:
Ammonia (As NH4 )
Free Chlorine
Total Phosphorus (as P)
Can the proliferation of algae in an aquarium be indicative of poor water quality?
The proliferation of algae is indicative of an imbalance in the amount of nutrients. This may be from the source of the water or the material inserted in the aquarium such as food, cleaning and maintenance products or even the faeces deposited by fish. An accurate analysis will point out which types of nutrients are in excess and whether this is altering the supply of oxygen to the fish.
Does the selection of these parameters, for water or wastewater analysis, follow the current regulations required?
Yes, the selection of parameters to be analyzed in water and wastewater for each type of source, use or process, follows the standards required by national and international laws and protocols.
In the case that the customer does not agree with the result of the analysis, can it be redone?
The test results issued are binding. In an instance where you believe that results are inaccurate, please raise it with us and we will escalate the matter with the lab
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