Why Is it Important to Test Water?

What is Water Testing?
Water testing is carried out to meet the regulatory requirements and adhere to the safety procedures that are needed for pollutant-free water. This is a broad concept that involves several procedures to analyze and evaluate the quality of water.
Everyone who is affected by the water industry must test water sources. This could be the governmental organizations trying to regulate the quality of water to protect us from the health risks involved with using chlorinated water or it could be homeowners trying to ensure that the water is suitable for consumption.
Water, whether it is meant for business purposes, agriculture, domestic purposes, or is used by public municipalities and private homeowners must be tested regularly in order to keep the source of water safe and free from environmental risks and potential health disorders.
How does water testing work?
Thanks to modernization and advancement in modern chemistry, we can detect thousands of harmful chemicals and bacteria in the water. This can be tested even at extremely small concentration. The list of tests that are available today might feel a little overwhelming.
However, we don't need to test everything that is present in the water. There are certain easy ways to perform tests that offer quick results and are very low-tech in their version compared to the others.
- Use of test strips. These strips change color to show the concentration of the chemical present in the water.
- Color disk kits can test even a wider range of chemicals that are present in the water.
- Hand-held digital meters are portable and are used to test different chemicals present in water.
However, such tests are usually used for preliminary checks as their accuracy can hardly be compared to the professional analysis performed in laboratory conditions.
To cover a wider range of pollutants, choose your own testing parameters, or just be 100% sure in results, laboratory testing is the best option.
- Laboratory testing kits are considered the most effective way to detect a wide range of water issues. The process is easy: you order a sampling kit, send it to the laboratory nearby and receive the results online.
Why is it important to test the quality of water?
In the whole world, a majority of the people rely on the private water supply. This includes ponds, dugouts, and wells. A superior quality of water is crucial to the economic, health, and social well-being of the people. Monitoring the quality of your water and testing it regularly is very important to maintain reliable and safe water sources and eliminate the potential health risks related to water contamination.
When the water is tested it offers the knowledge; we require to address the problem that is currently involved with the water quality. It will also ensure that the water quality is protected from every potential cause of contamination and an appropriate approach is involved with the treatment system.
It is vital to check the suitability of the water quality before its use. It can be for irrigation, livestock watering, drinking, or spraying. It will also help you in making an informed decision about how to use the water and what should be done about its purity.
How often should I test the water?
A majority of the population use public mains and well water for drinking and domestic purposes. Therefore, it is important to check whether it is free from contaminants.
Standard Drinking Water Checks should be performed at least once every year regardless of the water source. Tap water is usually tested for chlorine levels, ph in water and bacteria.
It is advisable to test well water supplies annually even if they are not suspected in any contaminations. There some types of water issues that can’t be detected without testing.
Well water supplies are usually tested for the presence of fertilizers and pesticides, bacteria and Standard chemicals set.
Pool water testing is also crucial because it involves maintaining a properly functioning pool and takes care of the sanitary needs. Now, testing pools entirely depend on how heavily or lightly it is being used. It also depends on the water temperature and daily air. Warm water is the source of bacteria(Legionella), that’s why special care should be taken especially in hot seasons. The level of chlorine in water is also of great importance. Everyone should find a balance in it: It should be enough for sanitizing purposes but not too much at the same time not to cause any health disorders.
Additionally, if you feel that the water condition has changed: water has become cloudy or a strange odor appeared, it is highly recommended to carry out an unscheduled water testing.
What is the average price of water tests?
A simple water test that is performed at home is cheap. The kit will cost you around €10 to €30. But larger kits will cost you more and range from €50 to €150. All of these tests will look for chlorination byproducts, bacteria, and nitrites.
Laboratory testing is considered to be more expensive but it is still possible to find testing kits suitable for any budget. The price will depend on the types and number of compounds that are being tested.
For example, a single-parameter testing kit for drinking water like Lead in Water Test Kit costs around €40;
Standard Bacteria Test for Well water that includes 3-5 parameters is around €60;
Full Quality Check is one of the most popular testing types as it covers all the most common types of contamination and its price is €140-150.
Though it’s worth a try if you want to receive the most prominent results and further advice on how to treat the polluted water.
Is it safe to drink the tap water?
In general, tap water doesn't pose any major risk to your health. Tap water is known to have fluorides that are beneficial for good oral health. The main question is if anyone controls that the disinfection byproducts levels are not exceeding the norms?
The most common water quality issues include eliminated ph and chlorine levels, high levels of Nitrates. Bacterial contamination is widely spread among private well supplies. Conductivity in waters is common to the coastal areas.
Some contaminants are present in water even if it had been boiled. Boiling is usually effective in treating the bacteria but such chemicals as Lead in water will hardly evaporate after boiling.
Those who are undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, suffering from serious diseases, transplant patients, pregnant women, infants, and children should drink safe water only. Water testing is step one to guarantee drinking water safety.
How is water quality related to the health of a pregnant woman?
Contaminated water when consumed by pregnant women can endanger the health of her baby.
The latest researches on Chlorinated water have brought to light the direct correlation between eliminated Chlorine levels and premature delivery.
Is tap water in Ireland clean enough to drink it?
According to the latest report, The Environment Protection Agency raises concern on the poor water quality coming from water wells in Ireland. This water source includes group schemes, small supplies and wells not served by Irish Water and some of these areas are suspected of bacteriological pollution.
According to Independent.ie:
“The issue is burning as private water supplies serve above one-fifth of the Irish population. Many people are not aware of the water source and drink unsafe water unknowingly. This covers hotels, B&Bs, pubs, schools, crèches, and campsites, hospitals and elderly care homes.”
EPA said:
“E.coli contamination is detected in 51 small private water supplies serving commercial buildings and public buildings. We are particularly concerned that no E.coli testing was reported for another 711 small water supplies.”
To Test or Not To Test?
That is the question every concerned citizen should ask himself. Clean water is something that we all are entitled to, but the presence of water pollutants makes it hard to consume such water. Nevertheless, it is in our hands to ensure that we use only clean water.