Boil water notice affecting parts of counties Mayo and Sligo...
Irish Water has said that the boil water notice issued in relation to the Lough Talt Public Water Supply yesterday also relates to consumers connected to the Ogham Group Water Scheme in Co Mayo.
The notice was issued yesterday due to the detection of Cryptosporidium in the treated water coming from the plant.
Approximately 13,000 people are affected by the notice in Tubbercurry and Ballymote in Co Sligo and the surrounding rural hinterland.
The Ogham Group Water Scheme in Mayo is also supplied by Lough Talt and Irish Water says that Cloontia, Doocastle and Abbeyfield are affected by the notice.
Irish Water says it is working closely with the Health Service Executive in relation to the situation with regular testing taking place with a view to getting the boil water notice lifted if there are sufficient clear samples over a number of weeks.
Information taken from Boil Water Notice by RTE News